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S01E22 4


████    重点词汇
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████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Your father's been very troubled.
I'm sure he did what he felt was best.
And he wants me
to take comfort in this junk?

I hate baseball.
You'd think he'd know that.


- Susan's coming.
- OK.

OK, guys.
Interventions are never pretty.

Stay strong
'cause she's probably gonna cry.



Bonjour. Mwah, mwah.

Oh, hi. I didn't know that the cooking
lesson was gonna be a group activity.

Well, the more the merrier, right?

As long as no one makes fun
of my crepes.


How come I'm the only one
wearing an apron?

It seems like we're ganging up on you

but you were moving so fast we thought
a sort of intervention was necessary.

I know it's tough to hear.
None of us wanted to do this.

I appreciate what you guys
are trying to do. I really do. Um...

I'm not gonna change my mind.

In my life, I've been hurt a lot.

Karl and uh...

Well, it's just taught me to be cynical

and expect the absolute worst
from people.

I don't want to live like that any more,

and when Mike asked me
to move in with him,

I was just happy, you know,
just ridiculously happy.

I still am.
And I want to go with that feeling.

I love him and... I love him.

So I'm gonna expect the best from Mike

and I know that he is gonna
deliver that in return.

- OK?
- Honey.

[Sighs] This is the worst intervention
I have ever been to.

This is fun.
It's forever since we had lunch.

Well, as happy as I am to see you,
I actually have an agenda.

I ran into someone last week
who said you guys are looking to hire.

- Is that true?
- Yeah.

Are you thinking of coming back?
Because say the word...

No, not me.
I was actually thinking more about Tom.

Oh. Tom.

Yeah, he's been thinking about
making a move for a while.

He feels like he's done
everything he can where he is now.

Well, Tom's certainly solid.

He's more than solid.
Tom's ideas are spectacular.

He's passionate about his work. His
visual instincts are off the chart.

- Is he as good as you?
- He's apples, I'm oranges.

We excel in different areas.

Trust me, you should give Tom a look.

I don't need apples.

I need someone like you.

Cutthroat. Ruthless.

Oh. Geez, Nat. You make me sound like
some kind of shark.

Oh. OK.

You know, actually...

If that's the kind of exec
you're looking for...

You got a shark for me?

Yes. A very pretty shark.

So here's what I'm thinking.


shark [ʃɑ:k] n. 鲨鱼;骗子 vt. 敲诈 vi. 诈骗 {gk cet6 ky :4438}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

junk [dʒʌŋk] n. 垃圾,废物;舢板 n. (Junk)人名;(德、捷)容克 {gk cet6 ky ielts :5130}

passionate [ˈpæʃənət] adj. 热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的 {toefl gre :5175}

cynical [ˈsɪnɪkl] adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的 {cet6 toefl ielts :6355}

karl [kɑ:l] n. 卡尔(男子名,等于Charles) { :6663}

giggling [ˈɡiɡlɪŋ] 咯咯地笑(giggle的现在分词) { :6744}

excel [ɪkˈsel] vt. 超过;擅长 vi. (在某方面)胜过(或超过)别人 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7055}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

merrier [ˈmeriə] 愉快的(merry的比较级) { :7420}

ruthless [ˈru:θləs] adj. 无情的,残忍的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :7587}

apron [ˈeɪprən] n. 围裙;[航] 停机坪;舞台口 vt. 着围裙于;围绕 n. (Apron)人名;(俄)阿普龙 {gk gre :8011}

doorbell [ˈdɔ:bel] n. 门铃 { :11801}

exec [ɪgˈzek] n. 执行,执行程序;主任参谋,副舰长 abbr. 实行(execute);实行的(executive) { :12420}

crepes [kreips] n. 绉纱,绉绸( crepe的名词复数 ) { :13430}

ridiculously [rɪ'dɪkjələslɪ] adv. 可笑地;荒谬地 { :14591}

nat [nɑ:t] n. 守护神,精灵 { :16552}

cutthroat ['kætθru:t] adj. 残酷的;杀人的;剧烈的 n. 谋杀者;凶手 { :18673}

ahem [ə'hem] n. 呃哼声 n. (Ahem)人名;(印尼)阿赫姆 vt. 呃哼一声把…含糊过去 int. 呃哼! vi. 清嗓子 { :24471}

Bonjour [bɔnzhur] n. (法)你好;苹果电脑公司的服务器搜索协议商标名 { :40545}

geez [ɡi:'ez] vt. 注射麻醉品 vi. 注射

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

mwah [ ] (亲吻脸颊的声音)吧

a shark [ ] [网络] 鲨鱼;一条鲨鱼;一只鲨鱼

excel in [ ] v. 拿手于 [网络] 高强;擅长;在……方面很擅长

gang up [ɡæŋ ʌp] na. 成群结队;勾结起来;集合 [网络] 聚集;朋比为奸;通同

gang up on [ ] na. 成群结队的对抗 [网络] 联合反对;联合起来对付某人;合伙整某人

make fun [meik fʌn] [网络] 开玩笑;打趣;见了同事打哈哈

makes fun [ ] 开玩笑

making fun [ ] [网络] 开玩笑

off the chart [ ] [网络] 超标;规划;不在表里了

take comfort [ ] na. 得到安慰 [网络] 令人欣慰;享受舒适

take comfort in [ ] na. 以…自慰 [网络] 在…中得到安慰;获得安慰;引以为慰

the absolute [ ] na. 【哲】绝对;上帝 [网络] 绝对者;绝对的;神

the chart [ ] [网络] 图表;动画表格;该图

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用